Hi! I'm Marina

I’m a web-designer and developer. Currently I work as a WordPress developer, and you can see my portfolio im another category. But also my passion is Java Script, and here you can find my learning and pet-projects.

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This basic archive + adding comments app demonstartes usage of Redux clices, action creators, reducers and extra-reducers with asynchronous requests from a database (Firebase Database).


The application queries the database on the first load and shows the results as a list of news items. Each news can be opened and has the funcionality of commenting. User can leave a comment and immediately see it in the comment list. Comments are also stored in the database.

This project is a part of an offline challenge from Codecademy’s Frontend developer path.


Here’s a quick summary of the functionalities in the app:

  • Initial loading of news from the database at the first rendering via asynchronous request
  • Opening particular news items with all details retrieved from the database
  • Loading comments list from the database connected to particular news
  • A form with the ability to leave a comment and send it to the database


What Was Done

  • General Redux workflow in one-way direction
  • Working with the Store in React/Redux apps
  • Working with action creators, reducers, and extra-reducers
  • Using createSlice() from Redux Toolkit
  • Using createAsyncThunk() from Redux Toolkit
  • Working with Firebase and creating a database for the app
  • Working with the Firebase Library and its methods
  • Making responsive design

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